English for beginner

What are the ten alternatives to the word ‘interesting’?

English vocabulary always come up with alternatives. Alternatives to express oneself in various ways. Alternatives to make an explanation easier. Alternatives to frame stylish answers. And, alternatives to enhance messages more. This article is initiated for the sole purpose of providing you with a series of alternatives to the word ‘interesting’ that are enlisted within

What are the ten alternatives to the word ‘interesting’? Read More »

How to differentiate between ‘obliged’ and ‘obligated’?

While enhancing your English skills, there is something deep and subjective that you need to focus. If you dissect any of the statement which essentially expresses one’s opinions and thoughts into a series of words, you can see something new. The new thing is nothing but each words having a separate note or meaning and

How to differentiate between ‘obliged’ and ‘obligated’? Read More »

differentiate between 'fear' and 'panic', English mistakes, english online learning, english classes, learn english at home, fear and panic,How to differentiate between 'fear' and 'panic'?

How to differentiate between ‘fear’ and ‘panic’?

English proficiency shares some striking feature in terms of expression. It differs from person to person, word to word and sometimes in terms of perspective. This is the subjective nature of the English language that creates a wide range of vocabulary to associate with a specific situation in myriads of ways. For assisting you with

How to differentiate between ‘fear’ and ‘panic’? Read More »

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