Top Four Errors in English Communication, Learn English at home, English learning, Improve communication skills

Top Four Errors in English Communication

Many native English speakers use English to convey thoughts. But we use it, nowadays, to earn money and establish a wonderful career. Hence, one should focus on the productive part of English communication. Then it is possible to understand the top four errors in English communication.

We have to analyze the major mistakes in an easy manner. Because it is important to apply our thought by rectifying the errors. The following top four errors in English Communication are the challenging parts.

These top four errors in English communication are:

1.Sentence Construction in the top four errors in English communication:

A sentence is absolutely the backbone of English communication or any other language’s communication. Because it clears the fact of the content in front of our listeners. If we cannot form the sentences adaptable to the listening skill of the listener, then we have to get the failure as a result. Some specific patterns can absolutely make your listener pay their attention to your speech. The patterns are:

  • Descriptive Sentence: If we analyze the quality, characteristics, and nature of a person or an object, it is important that we follow the below patter: Subject+ Auxiliary Verb + Adjective + Object (Rohit is an intelligent student).
  • Partially Working Sentence: If a person is using a sentence with an auxiliary verb and main verb, then the form helps the listener to understand clearly. The pattern is:
    Subject+ Auxiliary Verb + Main Verb + Object (Rohit is learning
    top four errors
Top Four Errors in English Communication, Learn English, improve communication skills, English grammar, English articles

2. Using Critical Words in the top four errors in English communication:

We sometimes forget to use a range of comfortable words for our listener. Hence, it becomes very difficult for the listener to understand such powerful words. As a result, the listener loses focus and concentration from our speech. This part is important to work in the top four errors in English communication. So, user-friendly critical words are always perfect in this segment of choice of words.

  • Tough Collection of Words: A listener can only understand the collection of the words in their grasping abilities. But, they don’t understand some words which are out of their concept.
  • For example We have to implement (apply) this skill in our speech. We have to describe the meaning of such critical words. So that the readers or listener can get it easily. Reading the English language gives time at least to find the words from the dictionary. But, we cannot find meaning while we listen to a speech. A non-native listener cannot understand English words like the way a native listener can. Therefore, try to use words comfortable to the listeners. Then it will bring success to your communication. It can remove one part from the top four errors in English communication.
  • Sensible Choice: The listeners don’t only listen to each and every specific word of a sentence. Rather they listen to the thought of the sentence. Hence, it is possible to use tough words if we create a proper sequence of the sentence.
  • For example We have to implement this skill in our speech for a productive betterment. So, here this part “for a productive betterment” is already preparing the listeners to understand the tough word- “implement”. This part is vital to work on top four errors in English communication

3. Wrong Tense Formation in the top four errors in English communication:

  • An English speaker must be careful of the tense formation. Because of tense stands for time zone. If we are unable to understand it, then our sentences will be improper. Hence, it is advisable to use simple tense patterns. For example: using past continuous instead of past perfect continuous. Use simple past instead of past perfect. But, these tricks cannot be used at the time of written communication. So, a perfect and easy tense formation helps us to deliver this language in a smooth way. Use this method to remove
    the top four errors in English communication.

4. Wrong Use of Words:

  • We need to choose the perfect word for a perfect situation. Even if it is not possible we just cannot put a wrong synonym of that word. A speaker sometimes uses irrelevant words and that becomes tough for others to understand. So, we have to focus on the use of relevant words.
  • For example, She should read the book. But, sometimes we say: She should go through the book. Here, “read” describes more responsibilities instead of “go through”. It is an effective method to stop the top four errors in English communication
Top Four Errors in English Communication, English vocabulary, English grammar, English Learning

All these above points explain the relation of the sender and receiver. It is coordination between a speaker and a listener. We have to be careful about the listener to understand the errors properly.

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